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We Turn Data Into Value

Your End-To-End Data Agency

Who We Are.

173tech is a London-based analytics agency that helps growing businesses leverage data to create a single source of truth, get closer to customers and make better decisions.

Our core team previously led analytics at dating giant Bumble and we have since been using data to accelerate growth for the likes of MeUndies, Treatwell, Plend Loans, MUBI and many more.

What We Do.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or have an established team in place, 173tech are set up to quickly and seamlessly augment your team and help you fast-track key analytics projects.

Data Strategy
Data & Analytics Engineering
Analysis & Data Science
Adoption & Activation.

How We Work.

No matter your size, 173tech can seamlessly augment your company and work with your the tools and processes you have already established, or set up from scratch.  We deploy a full project team enabling us to work efficiently, whilst ensuring best practice. You get direct access through weekly calls & shared slack channel. 

Project Lead

Manages data strategy, project implementation and delivery.

Engineering Lead

Ensures optimal and performant data architecture & system design.

Analytics Engineers

Data pipeline implementation, optimisation and maintenance.

Data Analysts

Data modelling, reporting, generate business value and data insights.

Happy Clients.

Over four years our clients have given us an NPS score of 9.4/10. Here’s a few great case studies on the results our data launcher projects have achieved.

Data Launcher


Three months to jumpstart an end-to-end data pipeline.

Marketing Analytics


Increased seller registrations by 90% whilst saving 36%.

Data Launcher


Centralised 20+ brands into one analytics platform.

Customer Analytics


Mapped out user engagement across the customer journey.


Ready To Start Your
Data Engine?

Want to find out what the possibilities are for turning your data into business drivers?

Not sure if your ideas for using data are technically feasible and will generate ROI?

Have a specific use case in mind for your data but don’t know how to get started?

Get in Touch!