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No matter where you are on your analytics journey, our experienced team can help you take the next step. 

Data Strategy
Data & Analytics Engineering
Analysis & Data Science
Data Adoption & Activation

Data Strategy.

Ensure your data is aligned with business goals. We will help you to define KPIs, identify high-ROI data projects, ensure data compliance, and build up your in-house team.

Data Strategy Review

Through intensive investigation our team can map out your current data maturity, identify gaps and create a roadmap for the future.

Data Dictionary

Capture and defines KPIs across all your business functions as we create the ideal guide for  implementation.

Data Roadmap

Ensure you are spending your time, effort and budget on data projects that will deliver a return. 

Data & Analytics Engineering.

We build best-in-class data pipeline and processes to embed unique business logics and automate insights for all business and technical users.

Toolstack Recommendation

We help you evaluate various data tool options based on your business model, current and future needs in order to create an efficient, cost-effective and scalable data pipeline.

Data Modelling

Data modelling applies your unique business logic to data from different sources, creating bespoke metrics. We create undergo a process of peer review and data reconciliation to ensure accuracy and data trust.


We can help you migrate away from legacy systems without impacting the day-today running of your business or taking time away from your engineering team.

Analysis & Data Science.

Extract maximum value from your data with automated dashboards, deep-dive analyses, dynamic forecasting and segmentation models.

Dashboards & Reporting

We create automated dashboards and reports that are bespoke to your business using tools like Metabase, Looker, Tableau and Power BI.


A data dashboard is a business tool that tracks, analyses and displays vital data points, metrics, and key performance indicators from many sources.

In-Depth Analyses

Beyond reporting, we help you deep-dive into historical data to find the ‘Why’ behind the ‘What’. Identify growth opportunities hidden in your data gold mine.

Predictive Modelling

Anticipate future customer actions. Model predictions such as customer lifetime value, churn propensity, propensity to engage and much more.

Adoption & Activation.

Data is only powerful once it’s adopted by your team! Go beyond reporting and ensure that data is embedded, understood and activated in the tools your teams use.

Data Democratisation

We can help you to embed a data-driven culture into your organisation by designing the best process for you organisation to leverage the power of analytics.

Insights Feedback Loop

Send your modelled data back into the platforms and tools your teams use. Reverse ETL helps to make your data more actionable by serving it up in the tools your teams use. 

Product, Marketing & CRM Automation

Make better decisions fueled by data served directly into the tools your teams use. Automated insights can flag high LTV users, monitor campaign performance and more.

How We Work.​

No matter your size, 173tech can seamlessly augment your company and work with your the tools and processes you have already established, or set up from scratch.  We deploy a full project team enabling us to work efficiently, whilst ensuring best practice. You get direct access through weekly calls & shared slack channel. 

Project Lead

Manages data strategy, project implementation and delivery.

Engineering Lead

Ensures optimal and performant data architecture & system design.

Analytics Engineers

Data pipeline implementation, optimisation and maintenance.

Data Analysts

Data modelling, reporting, generate business value and data insights.

Data Tools We Integrate.

We closely align your business strategy to the tools that can bring it to life, creating scaleable data infrastructure that will serve up key insights. You 100% own all the technology, models and structure that we set up meaning no reliance on us long-term. Here is a good example of common tools we work with:

Our Collaborative Approach.

We work as a seamless extension to any existing team. Whether you want to hire your internal tam whilst we build your infrastructure, or just need an extra pair of hands to fast-track projects. We are here to make your life easier and clients say we become an extension of their team.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What Is The First Step?

Want to find out what the possibilities are for turning your data into business drivers? Not sure if your ideas for using data are technically feasible and will generate ROI? Have a specific use case in mind for your data but do not know how to get started? Hop on an informal call and we can help! Our experienced team can offer impartial advice and suggestions and we are always happy to help.

Which Data Tools Do You Recommend?

No two clients are the same. The tools and configuration we recommend will depend upon your business needs and current set up. As a company rule, we do not accept any sort of commission or referral fee from any tool provider, and so you can guarantee that our advice is impartial and always tailored to your needs.

Who Needs To Be Involved?

We join forces with your team. By helping us to understand your business, goals, existing data processes and challenges,  we can better return value from data more quickly.

Having a project manager  and a technical point of contact would facilitate an efficient requirements gathering process and ongoing collaboration.

What Is Our Time Commitment?

Most of your involvement comes in the early stages of the project as we try to understand your business and current data setup. From there we have a weekly 45 minute sync and may also have ad-hoc questions through slack.

What Happens Post-Project?

You 100% own all the technology, models and structure that we set up meaning no reliance on us long-term. We can continue to support you with our affordable maintenance offer, or plan out our next exciting project together.

Ready To Start Your Data Engine?

Want to find out what the possibilities are for turning your data into business drivers?

Not sure if your ideas for using data are technically feasible and will generate ROI?

Have a specific use case in mind for your data but don’t know how to get started?

Get in Touch!