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Reverse ETL – How To Get There
Reverse ETL – How To Get There

Reverse ETL - How To Get There Reverse ETL allows you to pipe modelled data directly into the applications that your business users are already familiar with. It is a…

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How Data Is Activated Today?
How Data Is Activated Today?

How Is Data Activated Today? In the age of information, data has become the lifeblood of modern businesses. Companies have access to an unprecedented wealth of data on their customers…

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What Are The Challenges With Personalisation?
What Are The Challenges With Personalisation?

What Are The Challenges With Personalisation? Personalisation seems simple, it is all about combining your data to hone messaging. Yet companies of all sizes are struggling to initiate successful campaigns.…

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Personalisation: What Does Good Look Like?
Personalisation: What Does Good Look Like?

Personalisation: What Does Good Look Like? A Simple Scenario…Imagine you are a valued customer at a luxury hotel chain, Five Seasons. You have just arrived in New York for an…

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A/B Testing Product Changes
A/B Testing Product Changes

A/B Testing Product Changes new and exciting AI technology emerging around recommendation engines, how can product leads evaluate which solution is better and how to really measure a “better recommendation”?173tech…

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Helping People Understand Data
Helping People Understand Data

Helping People Understand Data When most companies set off on their data journey, they worry about technology, they worry about costs…but they don’t often worry about the fundamentals. They don’t…

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How To Stop Your Data Team Becoming A Bottleneck
How To Stop Your Data Team Becoming A Bottleneck

How To Stop Your Data Team Becoming A Bottleneck When it comes to incorporating data/ insight into your business, most companies have a pretty simple formula in mind: /*! elementor…

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Creating Data Products People Use
Creating Data Products People Use

Creating Data Products People Use How do you ensure that business users get the most out of analytics? How can you drive a data-driven culture? The most important step is…

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Data Projects: Feasibility Review & Calculating ROI
Data Projects: Feasibility Review & Calculating ROI

Data Projects: Feasibility Review & Calculating ROI You’ve engaged your stakeholders, gathered ideas, handpicked the most relevant ones and now comes the feasibility review which is crucial in ensuring that…

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Idea Generation For Data Projects
Idea Generation For Data Projects

Idea Generation For Data Projects How can you ensure that your data initiatives go beyond simple reporting and provide real value for your business users? How do you involve business…

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