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customer closeness

Customer Data Platforms: Off-The-Shelf vs Composable
Customer Data Platforms: Off-The-Shelf vs Composable

Customer Data Platforms: Off-The-Shelf vs Composable Every business is looking to get closer to their customers and create that ‘one source of the truth’ but this can be immensely challenging.…

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Where to start with Marketing Attribution?
Where to start with Marketing Attribution?

Where to start with Marketing Attribution? “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” John Wanamaker While ever there’s been businesses…

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Is Shopify A Blocker To Customer Closeness?
Is Shopify A Blocker To Customer Closeness?

Product Variants: The difficulty measuring performance in Shopify Shopify analytics tend to offer incomplete and somewhat inaccurate insights, especially on key metrics such as Average Order Value and Customer Lifetime Value.…

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